Having done marriage counseling in the past as well as reading and listening to lots of marriage advice experts, I hear a lot of terrible relationship advice. Here is some common marriage counseling advice that destroys relationships that I recommend you ignore: You...
Free Clarity Session
One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.
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Bri Deals with Unhealthy Coping Strategies to Turn Around Her Business and Relationship
“I feel like I can take on anything.” https://youtu.be/z1uRFM6HFIU Bri came to work with me in the middle of a terrible storm in her life…her mother, who was her rock and who she was extremely close to had just passed away, her sister and dad were having addiction...
Dealing With Lack Of Appreciation?
What Causes A Lack of Appreciation? Here is a typical scenario I often hear… The husband is constantly complaining how hard he has to work, “I have to put in more hours every day composing emails, when I used to just be able to walk down the hall and talk to people....
How Do Attachment Styles Affect My Relationship?
How Does Your Attachment Style Affect Your Relationship? In my last post I shared with you the psychology of how and why we attach to our romantic partners in much the same way we did with our parents. I also think it would be helpful for you to understand your...
Attachment Styles In Relationships
Have You Heard Of The Attachment Style Theory? I have just finished reading the book Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller and found it super helpful in understanding why some people are hyper-focused on intimacy and others push it away. Dependency Is Not A Bad...
How To Stop Criticizing Your Partner
Why Do We Criticize Others? Criticism brings out the worst in men and women. Men actually think they are good at taking criticism, but it is not true. The reason we criticize someone is that we are trying to get someone to do or accomplish something. Our compulsion to...
When Adults Need Time-Outs
TIME OUTS FOR ADULTS The Best Defense Against Verbal Abuse Is A Formal Time-Out. I am sure you have heard of time-outs and may have used them with your kids. Ironically they also work extremely well with headstrong adults too. When you call for a time out, you are...
How To Make My Life Perfect
Wondering How To Make Your Life Perfect? Create Your Perfect Day Itinerary This will set you up for creating the life you've always dreamed of and how to live it every day. In this exercise, your job is to map out what your perfect day looks like and then the steps...
Relationship Communication Quiz
Relationship Communication Quiz The following questions will help you discover your particular style when it comes to relating to others. Do you try to control conversations? If you do, are you aware of it in the moment? Do you have a conscious reason for doing this?...
What is Success In Relationships?
What is Success In Relationships and Life? She was one of the most powerful women on Wall Street and named to Time's 2002 list of "Global Influentials" and Fortune’s Most Influential Person Under the Age of 40. She made a name for herself as head of Merrill Lynch’s...
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