Praise for Wendy Lynne

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Praise for Wendy Lynne

What Clients are Saying
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Couple's Relationship Coaching

Free Clarity Session

One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.

Ready to get unstuck and get clear?

Book a free clarity session so I can help you see how to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.


We are eternally grateful.

“Your work with us has strengthened our marriage to levels that neither of us has seen in previous marriages and we are eternally grateful.  The most important things you did for us were to a) listen intently, and b) give us real tools to develop our marriage from a vantage point of emotional intelligence.”

-Marcus K


Thank you.

“Thank you for all your guidance and help and support during my time of hardship. I am super lucky and grateful to have met you.”

-Jason S


Feeling good.

“Franchise meetings went exactly as I had envisioned. Some tough moments but I planned for those and had our exec team well-prepared. I wasn’t defensive. I didn’t freeze. I slept the night before. I’m feeling really good. Usefulness is a trigger word for me now and a theme. Thanks to you!” 

-John D

Ludek Finds True Happiness and Abundance

I initially worked with Lukek's older brother, Jan. Ludek saw Jan make some the major shifts and positive changes rather quickly in his life and wanted to learn what his brother had learned. He reached out and quickly signed on to working...

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Grace Y – cheerleader overcome fear and anxiety

Grace’s mother, Jessica approached me because Grace was having trouble doing her back handsprings without her coach being right next to her and spotting her. She also had just recently recovered from a compound break in her wrist.  It...

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Alex S – relationship, career and parenting help

When I met Alex he was working with both a psychologist and a physical therapist and he had quit a long career at Microsoft because of chronic pain issues. He assumed his pain issues would go away after he left, but they did not. He...

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Deana L – relationship and career coaching

When Deana first came to see me, she was working as a Community Outreach police officer and had grown increasingly unhappy and dissatisfied with her job.  She took excellent care of her own health and her body and saw a lot of...

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Saving our Marriage.

“Still attribute you with saving our marriage. Have now been a team for 39 years due to your work with us.”

-Rick G


I am so appreciative of your insight.

“I’ve been bragging about you to everyone. When I brought back the “close the loop” concept to my assistant, she said “why didn’t we think of that?”  I closed the loop on so many things on Thursday and Friday and I was EXCITED to be at work. Holy shit!  I haven’t felt this way about work in a long time!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

-Jennie R


I Appreciate You.

“Just wanted to make sure you knew how much I appreciate you. I’m excited for my meeting with my boss tomorrow and it felt good to have a push in the right direction.”

-Chris L

“This week has been my happiest week all year, and it honestly had very little to do with what social events I was participating in. I really began making an effort to “self-coach” on Monday and felt like I was arguing with myself and simply suppressing my thoughts for much of the day. It felt extremely fake and forced all the way up until Wednesday. However, at some point I suddenly realized that I was cracking jokes and laughing and having fun almost effortlessly simply because of the incessant seemingly-overboard positivity, and afterwards understood just how much control I had over what I felt over the course of the day. By Wednesday, anytime I felt a certain way from some minor awkward event (i.e., said “Hi” to someone in the hall but they didn’t hear me or somebody I don’t know too well being slightly awkward towards me talking to them, etc.), the self-coaching would switch on almost instantly and after 10 seconds I would be right back feeling comfortable and in the zone. I learned that a simple “I know you can do it” affirmation was all I really needed to be sociable in those situations. Today I didn’t do much mental bracing before talking to people at all, yet still felt completely comfortable and was able to socialize much more freely than I’ve ever been able to before. It was amazing how people that hadn’t talked to me much/initially tried to talk to me but then eventually became cold prior to this week were all of a sudden warming up to me simply because I was being friendly and talking to new people. I feel free. It’s a very strange but rewarding feeling.

Thank you for powering through. This is the first major social breakthrough that I’ve made in the past 10 months, and I have to say that your coaching ideologies helped tremendously. Thank you for being a wizard.”

Daniel Q

“Thanks Wendy,

You been a big part of my well-being.”

Izzy M

“Yes, he’s doing well and is back on track.  More importantly, he’s back to being Adam!  This has been a big transition for him, and he’s come out of it with much more self-awareness and confidence that will serve him well when he goes to school this fall!

Thank you again for all of your help!”

Judi Z

“Thank you, I got my son back!!!

I love that every little argument we have, he says: “…even Wendy said…”

I knew you finally got to him.

Thank the Lord above that I met you when I did!!

Bless you”


“I came to Wendy stuck and overwhelmed, overcome by fear-driven thoughts that were preventing me from moving ahead and addressing my insecurities and personal relationship issues. She helped me clarify and set goals based on my values, and to be accountable to myself so that I could start taking responsibility for my own thoughts and how they were affecting my every day decision making process.  More importantly, she taught me how to apply a “worst-case-scenario” exercise that helped me remove doubt and embrace who I am.

I’ve never felt more free or confident, and I am no longer afraid of the outcome. I can handle it!”

Maybs B

“I couldn’t be here without your help and counseling when I was in a hard spot. I still think about the conflict resolution skills you shared with me, and the confidence you restored in me by reminding me that I can make my own decisions without worry. I no longer feel the need to rush through life, but rather can enjoy and consider my choices as I pursue my future.”

Noelle R

“I did more or less exactly what you recommended last night when my truck broke down again (after just being repaired for the same issue) – stuck on the side of the 405, sun going down, trailer in tow, transmission fluid all over the road.  Much to my great surprise, I was able to largely shrug it off and deal with it without getting upset.  It could be a lot worse and as my wife put it, “maybe the universe is just testing you/me.”   Anyway, I think you are right about this way of viewing difficult situations, be they at work or at home.  Thanks for all the insights.”

Jared R

“Allen and I are following your advice! Now we both feel like we work as a team and cooperate with each other.

Also, I feel much better after I talked to you about my family. I’ve realized that talking to you and working on myself, helps a lot. It’s good to know that we have you every time something is out of our hands even if it’s not very often.”

Stefania C

“It was a pleasure working with you to change my perspective in my career and life in general.  And I purposely write “working WITH you” as making changes is about taking advice and inserting it in everyday thinking.  I was so focused on goals I was making myself sick, I would frequently have stomach pain over things that were out of my control.  You helped me realize that letting go of outcomes and enjoying the ride, lead to much better results and reduced stress.  I’ve also entered into my relatively new relationship with a deeper understanding of men, and my new approach and way of thinking is rewarding to both him and to me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Julia B

“Omg, I just wanted to share with you that I did it! I talked to him and spoke honestly and directly.  You have NO idea what it took to do this, sounds silly but I was terrified because this is completely stepping out of my comfort zone!  But you’ve made me realize that I need to do this for myself (for once). And as soon as I said this to him the other day, my stomach issues which were bugging me for weeks (and I’ve been to a few doctors about) are gone like magic! lol!

That was it!  He seemed to take it very well and understood and suggested we should just go on a different vacation another time.

Anyway wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t “pushed” me. :)”

Eva M

“Things have worked out beautifully for us and I am so grateful!  You helped me change my outlook on so many things!  Remember when I did not want to sell my house and you took me through the worst-case scenario exercise?  That paradigm shift has changed my life.   It was such a blessing!  We were able to pay off the IRS, and all our debt and even had enough to put into savings!  The awful burden of being in debt has been lifted and we are both so happy.  We are looking forward to a new chapter in our lives and this new adventure!”

Elizabeth D

“Things are going great! I love the location of where I live, I’ve made tons of friends and I love the job! I’ve also gotten to do so many fun opportunities since being here, for example I was an extra in a music video yesterday!

Thank you for everything!”

Maya K

“Good news, I’m feeling a LOT better. I wrote my former girlfriend an apology note and I never sent it. I left it on my desk for a few days and eventually thought it out. I’ve only had a few tough moments since then, which is a massive improvement compared to the week before.

I’ve also been consciously re-energizing myself by remembering my accomplishments and looking forward to my future with a giant smile.

I’m awake at 1:30 am with a giant smile on my face and honestly, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

David T

“Today I realized that I have, with your help, come a long way. Yesterday I received the results of my dog’s autopsy. she most likely died because of a bone that I gave her. My first response was. “You worthless piece of shit, you killed your dog”.

This morning I woke up and gently said to myself: “The first sentence in the autopsy said that she was in excellent condition meaning I took good care of her”.  I was able to tell myself that that little dog was my world, and I would never have done anything to hurt her in any way. I thought the bone was hard, and that she would not be able to chew it up. I thought it would make her day. I made a mistake. I was doing the best I could for her with what I knew at that time.

My heart is still broken, I miss her terribly, she was my faithful and loving companion, and almost always was with me. I feel like part of me is missing, but I am not a horrible person. You helped me to be gentle with myself, it means everything at a time like this.”

Lana G

“It was a pleasure working with you to change my perspective in my career and life in general.  And I purposely write “working WITH you” as making changes is about taking advice and inserting it in everyday thinking.  I was so focused on goals I was making myself sick, I would frequently have stomach pain over things that were out of my control.  You helped me realize that letting go of outcomes and enjoying the ride, lead to much better results and reduced stress.  I’ve also entered into my relatively new relationship with a deeper understanding of men, and my new approach and way of thinking is rewarding to both him and to me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Julia B

“Omg, I just wanted to share with you that I did it! I talked to him and spoke honestly and directly.  You have NO idea what it took to do this, sounds silly but I was terrified because this is completely stepping out of my comfort zone!  But you’ve made me realize that I need to do this for myself (for once). And as soon as I said this to him the other day, my stomach issues which were bugging me for weeks (and I’ve been to a few doctors about) are gone like magic! lol!

That was it!  He seemed to take it very well and understood and suggested we should just go on a different vacation another time.

Anyway wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t “pushed” me. :)”

Eva M

“Things have worked out beautifully for us and I am so grateful!  You helped me change my outlook on so many things!  Remember when I did not want to sell my house and you took me through the worst-case scenario exercise?  That paradigm shift has changed my life.   It was such a blessing!  We were able to pay off the IRS, and all our debt and even had enough to put into savings!  The awful burden of being in debt has been lifted and we are both so happy.  We are looking forward to a new chapter in our lives and this new adventure!”

Elizabeth D

“Things are going great! I love the location of where I live, I’ve made tons of friends and I love the job! I’ve also gotten to do so many fun opportunities since being here, for example I was an extra in a music video yesterday!

Thank you for everything!”

Maya K