Want To Go From Feeling Stuck to Creating A Life You Love?




Life and Relationship Coaching with Wendy Lynne


Want To Go From Feeling Stuck to Creating A Life You Love?




Life & Relationship Coaching with Wendy Lynne

Couple's Relationship Coaching

Free Clarity Session

One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.

Ready to get unstuck and get clear?

Book a free clarity session so I can help you see how to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

If you want to start feeling…


Happy & Confident


Abundent & Free


Successful at Work & Home


Love & Passion


Purpose & Meaning

If you want to stop…


Feeling Stressed and Anxious




Looping Negative Self Talk


Self Sabotaging


Endless Arguments

You Need a Coach!

We don’t just talk about taking action. You learn how to take action. You get regular perspective checks, support, and accountability. You will get results because you will know how to deliberately move forward in your life.

How Does Coaching Make This Happen?

First, we increase your awareness by looking at your life from the inside-outside.

Second, you learn how to get your emotions under control.

Lastly, you will be highly motivated to take massive action by making commitments to yourself and following through so you get predictable results!

Here’s how to start…

Relationship Struggles

I have created a program for people in relationships to work individually or as a couple, who are wanting to feel passionate and connected to their partner again.

Career Dissatisfaction

How long are you going to keep doing the same thing before something breaks in your life and forces you to change?

Fear & Anxiety

Instead of enjoying all the wonderful things you have in your life, do you worry about losing them or what might happen next?

Hi! I’m Wendy

I spent decades learning to change my entire outlook and attitude by uncovering my limiting beliefs that dictated and shaped my life, my health and my relationships.

I know from experience when I changed my mindset, it gave me more freedom, more passion and more confidence.

I can show you how to respond to life with a calm self-assurance, rather than with your old, habitual reactions.

I coach, because I want to help you to transform and change whatever is holding you back from creating a life that you love.

I love what I do and have been doing it for over a decade. With a life coach certification under my belt, I’ve worked with men and women from all walks of life including top executives of Fortune 500 companies, striving entrepreneurs, millennials launching their careers, and couples struggling in their relationships.

“The real discovery in life is not in looking for new lands, but in seeing through new eyes.”

Let’s Break Through

Whatever is Holding You Back


What gets in the way of having the relationship you so deeply desire?

  • Power Struggles
  • Lack of acknowledgment
  • Disagreement on how to raise kids or spend money
  • Drug, alcohol, gambling and food addictions
  • Lack of passion and connection
  • Differing long term goals or outlooks on life

I love helping couples learn how to repair, improve and transform their relationships, so it feels supportive, loving and fulfilling, instead of painful, stressful and frustrating.

Anxiety & Fear

Are you coping with feelings of never feeling enough, loneliness, worry and don’t know how to change?

Are you lacking confidence, filled with self-doubt and constant fear of the future?

Do you find yourself afraid to be happy, falling into self-sabotaging behaviors and looping with negative thoughts?

Are you ready to finally stop walking around worried, paranoid and feeling like “I’m not being my true self?”

I’m excited to help you feel comfortable with who you are, to be able to handle “limbo” and uncertainty, to be happy, to be fulfilled in your relationships, enjoy your work and feel like you are contributing positively to the world.

Career & Purpose

Are you a “workaholic” and/or an “achievement-aholic?”

Is your daily life unfulfilling, boring or a grind?

Have your parents, or your partner, or your colleagues, or just the culture at large told you should be this or you should want that?

Let me help you get clear on what’s important to YOU.

I can help get you to where you are actually operating from a sense of deeper meaning, more engagement, higher levels of excitement, commitment and passion.

Self Sabotage

Are you sick and tired of your self-sabotaging behaviors, procrastination and other bad habits?

Do you keep promising yourself you’ll stop or start something?

Do you ever find yourself asking, “Why do I keep doing this to myself?”

Have you tried getting yourself to do something or resist some urge or craving only to go backslide when you are stressed or in pain?

If so, you may have told yourself: I am weak, selfish, have an “addictive” personality, have a physical reason that makes stopping or changing impossible.

Do you believe there is something inherently “wrong or bad about you”?

Self-sabotaging behaviors provide relief and definitely pleasure in the short-term, but get in the way of you feeling in control and living a truly satisfying and fulfilling life.

It doesn’t have to be that way – I can help you!

Want inspiration, personal development strategies and stories delivered to you via email every Saturday morning?

Give It To Me!

What Clients are Saying

Wendy has over a decade of experience working with men and women from all walks of life including top executives of Fortune 500 companies, striving entrepreneurs, millennials launching their careers and teens figuring out their lives.

She helps you break free of fear and doubt and permanently change your mind-set.

Wendy will show you how your perceptions, self-limiting beliefs and the words you use shape your current reality.

When you change your mindset, it gives you more freedom, more passion and more confidence.

You respond to life with a calm self-assurance, rather than with old, habitual reactions. 

“A session with Wendy is like being gently held while she simultaneously punches you in the gut. It is not always easy but it’s a game changer.” – John L

On the Blog

7 Transformative Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy: Insights from The Body Keeps the Score

7 Transformative Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy: Insights from The Body Keeps the Score

Explore the transformative potential of neurofeedback therapy, as highlighted in Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s book The Body Keeps the Score. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive technique that helps individuals regulate their brain activity by providing real-time feedback, making it particularly effective for treating trauma, ADHD, anxiety, and depression. The therapy empowers individuals to take control of their mental health, offering lasting improvements by retraining the brain rather than relying on temporary solutions like medication.

Life and Relationship Coaching Is Not Therapy.

We will not spend a lot of time exploring your past or trying to make sense of your childhood. We simply start where you are at and figure out how to move you forward. It’s a future-focused, mind-blowing process.

Here’s The Deal…

You are getting a Master Life & Relationship Coach. I know how to change your life.

Don’t Stay Stuck! Take the first step.

“When I started working with Wendy Lynne as my life coach seattle, my life strategies were not working. Simply put, I was stuck and desperately looking for guidance. Wendy used her many resources and expert skill to help me overcome personal fears, ultimately, re-inventing my life story and the unconscious, unwanted scripts running through my head. She guided me in understanding myself better, both consciously and unconsciously.

These tools became my North Star in helping me focus on the type of changes in life that I was seeking. Now, I feel I have a clearer path–a road map out of my own personal purgatory and on my way to the person I know I can become, and maybe more importantly, who I want to be.”

Chris Woodward