Couple's Relationship Coaching

Free Clarity Session

One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.

Ready to get unstuck and get clear?

Book a free clarity session so I can help you see how to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Reclaiming Your Peace: How to Overcome Regret

Reclaiming Your Peace: How to Overcome Regret

Regret can be a heavy burden to carry. It's that nagging feeling that you could have made different choices or taken another path in life. Whether it's a missed opportunity, a wrong decision, or words left unsaid, regret has a way of lingering  and casting a shadow...

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Reclaiming Your Peace: How to Overcome Regret

Reclaiming Your Peace: How to Overcome Regret

Regret can be a heavy burden to carry. It's that nagging feeling that you could have made different choices or taken another path in life. Whether it's a missed opportunity, a wrong decision, or words left unsaid, regret has a way of lingering  and casting a...

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Are You Feeling Judged?

Are You Feeling Judged?

Are You Judgmental? I’ve been noticing a common theme among my clients lately. “I can’t believe….” “He shouldn’t be…” “She thinks she is so…” “I’m so…” I am sure you can fill in the blanks! There is so much judgment towards other people and judgment of ourselves. My...

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I Have Social Anxiety

I Have Social Anxiety

Dealing With Social Anxiety It happens to a lot of us... Your spouse RSVP's to their friend's holiday party where you will know no one. A friend asks you to be their plus one at a wedding. There is a mandatory work event. Obligatory dinner with your partner’s family....

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What Is Fear And How Do I Overcome it?

What Is Fear And How Do I Overcome it?

WHAT IS FEAR? Fear is something you create with your mind. The only time you should feel fear is when there is physical danger or something unexpectedly scares you and triggers that fight-or-flight response. Most of the fear you probably experience, comes from asking...

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TREATING ANXIETY AND WORRY Future tripping leads to anxiety, fear and worry. Not knowing can be frightening, but worrying about something is not going to help you figure it out. Fear paralyzes you from moving forward or pushes you into a state of panic. HOW YOU CREATE...

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HOW TO REALLY FEEL YOUR FEELINGS I have been reading Expectation Hangover by Christine Hassler and loving all her tools and strategies.  As I am going through the book I wanted to share some of them with you. She breaks the book down into four categories starting with...

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Understanding Fear

Understanding Fear

UNDERSTANDING FEAR IN OURSELF AND OTHERS Imagine you were taught that squirrels were the most dangerous animals in the world. Squirrels have razor sharp teeth that could tear you apart. They love nothing more than killing and eating humans. They can jump higher than...

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What You Can Do To Tame Your Crazy Thoughts

What You Can Do To Tame Your Crazy Thoughts

Wanted to share with you a story of a client who came to me for help to tame her crazy thoughts. Here is her story in her own words... Totally Untamed I began feeling anxious beginning back in high school. I was very worried that I wouldn't make it into college, get a...

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How To Deal With Performance Anxiety

How To Deal With Performance Anxiety

How To Deal With Performance Anxiety If you've seen the new movie The Revenant, you witnessed the horrific conditions Leonardo DiCaprio had to endure while filming... From sleeping in an animal carcass to eating raw bison liver and swimming in freezing rivers. I am...

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