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Couple's Relationship Coaching

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One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.

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Unveiling the Strength of Three Centers of Intelligence

In both business and life, success often hinges on our ability to navigate various challenges with finesse and agility. But what if I told you that your approach to problem-solving and decision-making is influenced by not just one, but three distinct centers of...

How To Prevent Couples Counseling With Relationship Check In

Relationship Check-In Questions for You and Your Partner I have noticed with all of my clients it is easy to slip into a transactional relationship with your partner where you miss out on closeness and connection without a relationship check in. It is easy to do with...

Navigating Common Relationship Pitfalls: Practical Advice

Our lack of receiving mature love in childhood affects our ability to love maturely as an adult. If you didn’t receive enough mature love and warmth in childhood, you will continue to crave it throughout your life unless you recognize and properly deal with it. Let's...
What Is Motivation?

What Is Motivation?

What Is Motivation And How To Got Out Of The MOTIVATION TRAP To have no motivation is impossible unless you are dead of course. Every action you take requires motivation - you are always intending to achieve something. For instance, when you eat an apple, give a...

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Ways To Improve Motivation

Ways To Improve Motivation

How To Improve Your Motivation And Productivity Do you get excited to start a project or create a new habit? Are you are very motivated to get going on … but after a few days, that feeling dies down, and you start procrastinating. I have devoted a lot of effort to...

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How To Eat To Lose Weight

How To Eat To Lose Weight

How To Eat To Lose Weight Eating is the hardest part of every attempt to lose weight. Eating the right foods, in the right amounts and at the right times based on a diet you are following can be very tedious. Eating Can Be Confusing When you follow someone else's...

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REACHING YOUR PEAK POTENTIAL START WITH TOTAL ENGAGEMENT In one smooth move, he leaps, aims and shoots.  He is oblivious to the crowds and the ball flies into the basket. Her fingers glide over the strings feeling the music throughout her entire body. You can call it...

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HOW TO FACE MAJOR LIFE CHALLENGES 6 Reasons Why It Is Important To Face Life's Challenges: #1 When you face major challenges in your life, if you are guided by your values, you will feel a sense of meaning and purpose. You will have the satisfaction of knowing you are...

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HOW TO HANDLE FEAR When fears shows up I suggest you...   ALLOW IT When you feel fear you go into the fight or flight response, which evolved over millions of years to prepare our body for action. It gives you quick reflexes, the pumping of muscles, heightened...

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Understanding Fear

Understanding Fear

UNDERSTANDING FEAR IN OURSELF AND OTHERS Imagine you were taught that squirrels were the most dangerous animals in the world. Squirrels have razor sharp teeth that could tear you apart. They love nothing more than killing and eating humans. They can jump higher than...

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DO YOU COMPROMISE YOUR VALUES TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS? Most self help books and courses focus on goal-setting to cultivate confidence, success and peak performance. But if you want the best chance of achieving your goals, then you need to get clear on your values first....

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What You Can Do To Tame Your Crazy Thoughts

What You Can Do To Tame Your Crazy Thoughts

Wanted to share with you a story of a client who came to me for help to tame her crazy thoughts. Here is her story in her own words... Totally Untamed I began feeling anxious beginning back in high school. I was very worried that I wouldn't make it into college, get a...

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How To Be Successful At Life

How To Be Successful At Life

How To Be Successful At Life: Don't Fall Into The Success Trap Our society generally defines success in terms of fame, fortune, status and respect from having a prestigious job, handsome/beautiful spouse, luxury car and large home. When and if you achieve these things...

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“My worst day in a while turned into my best day in a while today – this was the first time I made a conscious choice to “fight back” whenever I went down the road of trying to figure out what other people thought of me. While there were definitely a lot of rough spots, that was the most fun I’ve possibly ever had with people I didn’t know well, and I didn’t have to fight nearly as hard at the end of the night and just sort of had fun. I also fessed up to what happened today, and was very surprised by the complete absence of shit given by everyone. People literally just laughed it off and moved on.

Thank you for the prod to be honest. I feel infinitely less conflicted now.”

Dan Q