Quieting the Inner Critic: A New Year’s Reflection for Personal Growth

Quieting the Inner Critic

Quieting the Inner Critic: A New Year’s Reflection

I’ve never been a fan of the whole “new year, new you” mentality—the kind that encourages lofty resolutions that often prove impossible to sustain. But I’ve always cherished this time of year for something else: an opportunity to reset.

As the holiday whirlwind begins to settle and life hasn’t yet resumed its usual pace, it feels like a sacred pause.

Quieting the Inner Critic

A moment to reflect, take stock, regroup, and realign.

This year, more than ever, that pause feels essential.

Maybe this resonates with you. Perhaps this past year has been a tough one. Maybe the weight of your responsibilities has come at the expense of your own well-being.

Perhaps you’ve been powering through your days, leaving little space for intuition or the quiet, meaningful dialogue with yourself.

Quieting the Inner Critic

If so, know that you’re not alone. This season of reset can be your moment to reclaim that connection and chart a course that feels aligned with who you truly are.

As the new year approaches, I often catch myself dwelling on what I didn’t accomplish, where I fell short, or what I feel needs improvement. It’s the familiar voice of my inner critic, always ready to weigh in.

But rather than letting her run the show, I’ve found a way to quiet her chatter. Each year, I open a fresh journal and reframe the concept of resolutions by creating a series of five reflective lists.

Quieting the Inner Critic: The Power of Reflection in the New Year

Here’s how it unfolds:

1. A Celebration List
I start by listing everything I’m proud of—big wins and small victories alike. This list is a moment to savor and celebrate all that I achieved or experienced over the past year.

Quieting the Inner Critic

2. A Yearning List
Next, I write down what I’m yearning for—dreams, desires, and goals that are calling to me. Sometimes, I uncover new longings I hadn’t even realized were there.

3. An Anxiety List
This one is tough but liberating. I allow myself to write down everything that’s been causing me stress or worry, from minor annoyances to big, existential fears. Putting it on paper helps me release some of its weight.

Quieting the Inner Critic

4. A Resource List
This list is a reflection on resilience. I jot down the tools, skills, practices, and support systems that helped me navigate the hard stuff in the past year. It’s a reminder of my strength and the resources I can rely on moving forward.

5. A Wild Ideas List
Finally, my favorite: I set a timer for five minutes and, without censoring myself, write down every wild idea, dream, or harebrained scheme that comes to mind. This is where creativity flows freely, unbound by practicality.

These lists are powerful. They honor what I’ve achieved, clarify what I desire, release what no longer serves me, reaffirm my resilience, and give me permission to dream boldly.

They remind me that I am enough, that I have what I need, and that I can embrace the year ahead with curiosity and courage.

Quieting the Inner Critic

If your inner critic shows up at this time of year too, I invite you to give these lists a try. They just might shift the conversation and help you enter the new year with grace, clarity, and inspiration.


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