Are You Judgmental? I’ve been noticing a common theme among my clients lately. “I can’t believe….” “He shouldn’t be…” “She thinks she is so…” “I’m so…” I am sure you can fill in the blanks! There is so much judgment towards other people and judgment of ourselves. My...
Free Clarity Session
One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.
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I Have Social Anxiety
Dealing With Social Anxiety It happens to a lot of us... Your spouse RSVP's to their friend's holiday party where you will know no one. A friend asks you to be their plus one at a wedding. There is a mandatory work event. Obligatory dinner with your partner’s family....
How To Be Successful At Life
How To Be Successful At Life: Don't Fall Into The Success Trap Our society generally defines success in terms of fame, fortune, status and respect from having a prestigious job, handsome/beautiful spouse, luxury car and large home. When and if you achieve these things...
How To Deal With Criticism
How To Deal With Criticism This is Part 5 of my series on other people's opinions... How To Handle Criticism One of the things that is the most upsetting for most of us is criticism. You are probably be OK with someone not liking you or prefer someone else, but you...
Are You Seeking Other People’s Approval?
Are You Seeking Other People's Approval? This is part 4 of my series on Other People's Opinions. Stop Hiding From Criticism One way that a lot of us deal with criticism is to hide, because we feel like we can’t handle the criticism. Really all you can’t handle is your...
Other People’s Opinions Don’t Matter
The Truth Is Other People's Opinions Don't Matter What you have to figure out is....Who Are YOUR People? There will always be people who don’t like you, but those aren’t your people. The people that do like you are YOUR people. They are the people who love being with...
Other People’s Opinions
Do You Worry About Other People's Opinions Of You? Have you ever tried to mold yourself into something you are not just to influence what other people think about you? You may have worried… “What will people think if I try or do that?” “How will they think I look?...
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