“If I didn’t find Wendy I don’t know where I would be in my life.” https://youtu.be/ftaevfoot6A Before Chris came to work with Wendy Lynne, the Life & Relationship Coach, he thought people who went to therapy were the kind of people who just talk about their...
Free Clarity Session
One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.
Ready to get unstuck and get clear?
Book a free clarity session so I can help you see how to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

I love spending time reflecting on my past year. See if you can take a quiet hour to reflect on the questions I have shared below. Our world moves so fast and suddenly, before you know it, it is next year and you’re back into your busy schedule. It is so easy to...

Are You Feeling Judged?
Are You Judgmental? I’ve been noticing a common theme among my clients lately. “I can’t believe….” “He shouldn’t be…” “She thinks she is so…” “I’m so…” I am sure you can fill in the blanks! There is so much judgment towards other people and judgment of ourselves. My...

Why Is Spontaneity Important?
THE POWER OF BEING SPONTANEOUS I was so excited for my first ever road trip across the US with my fiancé, John. At the start of our trip, the coronavirus was a big issue in China, but had not really caused much in the way of big changes in the US yet. We had planned...

How To Stop Drinking Too Much
Why Do You Drink Too Much? Buffering with alcohol is one of the things we do, so we don’t have to face the truth and experience the ups and downs of life. We buffer because we expect to feel comfort, pleasure and happiness all the time. We assume we should be happy...

Let Go Of Inner Resistance
Letting Go Of Resistance Rather than allowing life to carry us where we want to go, we spend a lot of time resisting. We assume we need to struggle to get what we want. But what if it is not true? What if you could allow the natural flow of life support you in having...

Is It True People Never Change?
So why don't people change even if they say they want to? I hear reasons all the time of why people think they can't change, when talking to potential clients about coaching. They want to change their life, but don't seem to be able to or know how.... Here are the top...

Understanding Resistance To Change
How to Transform Your Resistance To Change I recently listened to a podcast featuring Chris Lee who wrote the book, The 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity. He explained how resistance stops us from having meaningful relationships, rewarding work and the body...
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