UNDERSTANDING FEAR IN OURSELF AND OTHERS Imagine you were taught that squirrels were the most dangerous animals in the world. Squirrels have razor sharp teeth that could tear you apart. They love nothing more than killing and eating humans. They can jump higher than...
Free Clarity Session
One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.
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What You Can Do To Tame Your Crazy Thoughts
Wanted to share with you a story of a client who came to me for help to tame her crazy thoughts. Here is her story in her own words... Totally Untamed I began feeling anxious beginning back in high school. I was very worried that I wouldn't make it into college, get a...
How To Deal With Performance Anxiety
How To Deal With Performance Anxiety If you've seen the new movie The Revenant, you witnessed the horrific conditions Leonardo DiCaprio had to endure while filming... From sleeping in an animal carcass to eating raw bison liver and swimming in freezing rivers. I am...
Understanding Performance Anxiety
Understanding Performance Anxiety Suppose you could unhook from all your thoughts about how bad or unpleasant fear is and how much you hate it? All it would take is being able to nonjudgmental notice the physical sensations, without trying to make them go away! Trying...
Learn The Mindfulness Skill Of Engagement
LEARN THE MINDFULNESS SKILL OF ENGAGEMENT To be fully present in your life and get the most out of it, Â you need to be: aware, attentive and fully engaged in what is happening. There is a simple mindfulness skill, I regularly use with my clients called "engagement."...
A Person’s Belief Becomes A Dream Stealer
How A Person's Beliefs Become Dream Stealers In the last post, I explained how our negative beliefs dictate how we think, feel and behave and in some cases, hold us back for going all out to get what we want in life. The Dream Stealer I always ask people what they...
The Fear Of Losing Control
The Fear Of Losing Control So now you have your dominant question you are asking yourself everyday. You are noticing your thoughts that are causing you stress and choosing new ones. And you are working on forming new beliefs about yourself. Now it is time to laser...
How Do I Get Rid Of Fear?
How Do I Get Rid Of Fear? When was the last time you laid in bed staring at the ceiling feeling physically sick with anxiety and stress? To me it feels like a black, dense mass that fills my stomach, my chest, and my throat with tension. I also get hot and sweaty – it...
How To Use Adversity To Grow
How To Use Adversity To Grow It is human nature to want to spend our time and energy getting what we want and trying to avoiding what we don’t want, right? The problem is that inevitably we all get hit with some sort of tragedy or adversity that can make you feel like...
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