How To Change Your Life
Couple's Relationship Coaching

Free Clarity Session

One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.

Ready to get unstuck and get clear?

Book a free clarity session so I can help you see how to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Can You Really Change Your Life?

How to Change Your lifeI bet there are things about yourself that you don’t like, so you change them, right?

Not exactly?

It’s more likely that you keep on doing them, even though you say you’d like to change.


Because sometimes all your good intentions and affirmations will not be enough to get you out of a stressful situation, a difficult relationship or a stubborn habit.

It wasn’t for me!

Looking For A Way Out

I carried the scars of a difficult childhood, broken relationships and spent far too much of my life in fear.

Desperation led me to search for meaning and answers and a way out.

I know how it feels when people tell you to “just be grateful for what you have” or “just think positive thoughts and everything will manifest in your life.”

It is not that simple!

Wendy is the most caring yet direct woman that I know. I trust her implicitly and have been able to take my life to the next level with her unique style of coaching. She has been an instrumental accountability partner who has provided me valuable insights and mindful practices that continue to move my life in a positive direction. I appreciate her intuitiveness and the powerful tools she has empowered me with!
~ Diane McWhirter

You CAN change

But you can’t just snap your fingers and say goodbye to well-established patterns.

Even if those patterns create terrible consequences in your life.

You may be impatient with yourself and think, “Just stop it already!”

Unfortunately, we don’t change “just” because someone or even ourselves wants us to.

On the flip side, if you believe you can’t change: it’s too hard, it’s just how I am or it requires too much effort, it will sabotage your efforts even before you even begin.

Though it’s true that “you are who you are” it’s not true that you can’t modify, alter, or tweak how you behave.

So, How Do You Change?

You want to believe that those wonderful quotes in Facebook are all that you need. Positive affirmations sound so great, but they don’t really sink in.

All affirmations did for me was make me feel worse, because they did not do the trick. I learned you have to go much deeper.

That seemed really scary, but I was at the end of my rope and had nothing to lose.

No more excuses. No more magical thinking. No more self-sabotage. I made a no-nonsense commitment to change!

So I Went All In!

Casual commitment won’t do. Like going on a diet for a week or adding exercise for just two weeks doesn’t it.

I knew it made no sense claiming I wanted to change, but then doing nothing about it.

I was tired of disappointing myself, fed up with feeling frustrated and so I welcomed change.

I was ready to go and did not let my excuse-making ‘but’ get in the way.

Adopting new ways is never comfortably at first and I felt a lot of resistance to change.

But I looked at change as an opportunity to grow, not as an unwanted burden and amazing things happened.

I have since vowed that I wanted to give this gift of breaking through fear and doubt to experience real change to others.

Walking The Walk

You cannot work with integrity without walking the talk.

“A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.” ~Muhammad Ali

So, whether you are older or younger than fifty, you CAN make the changes you want and I want to help!

I believe that any change that moves you in a positive direction can expand your confidence, enrich your relationships, enhance your career and empower your well-being.

Wow, what a payoff!

You have the ability to make miraculous changes – let me give you the tools to get through whatever is keeping you stuck!

Self Trust

Do I still screw up?


But I like to think that the better I get at forgiving myself and then taking action, the better equipped I am to help you do the same.

I know how hard it is to get to a place of self-trust after decades of seeking approval from others.

It’s NOT easy to trust your own internal wisdom and guidance, instead of listening to all the voices of “authorities” out “there.”

Sometimes it’s even hard to separate your own desires and dreams from those around you but they don’t know what is RIGHT for you, only you do!

I can tell you from experience that developing self-trust takes not only time, but perspective.

It’s not a switch you flip on and believe me it makes a tremendous difference to have someone on the journey with you to give you that perspective.

It was invaluable for me!

Let’s Get You Started

You’ll know if you’re ready. I’m here to help  you get going. Let’s do this!

Click on the graphic below to set up your complimentary clarity session.

