Discovering the Love Within
Self-love is one of the most transformative practices we can cultivate in our lives. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, the most important connection is the one you have with yourself. Discover the power of self-love and how it can shape your experiences. By embracing self-love, you open the door to deeper compassion and understanding.
With Valentine’s Day coming up there a lot of people feel pressure to be in a romantic relationship. Whether you are in a relationship or not, the most important relationship you can cultivate is your relationship with yourself.
Love can be the essence of what connects you to all human beings, not just that one special person.
In my many conversations with clients, whether it’s about their relationship, work or parenting, I ask how can you bring the transformative power of love and compassion to any situation?
What does that mean…if you could see any situation through the eyes of love how would it change your response and the outcome?
Can you stay in love when someone cuts you off on the freeway or steps ahead of you in line?
Can you stay in love when someone disagrees with you?
Can you stay in love when someone is angry or hurts you?
Society has conditioned us to think of love as something we find outside ourselves—a relationship, a passion, a purpose. But being in love with everything that happens in your life is something far deeper.
It isn’t about being in love with a person or a thing. It’s about being in the essence of love itself.
Love, in this sense, is not something to be sought, chased, or earned. It’s something that already exists within all of us. It’s the fabric of who we are.
Love is not outside of us; IT IS US.
The Distinction of Being in Love
So when most people hear “I’m in love” there’s an automatic assumption that it means “with someone” or at least something external.
But when I say, “I’m in love,” what I mean is that I am filled by self-love, held by it, consumed by it, bathing in it, and embodying it.
This is the distinction I invite you to consider: that love is not an external phenomenon but an intrinsic state of being.
So often, we’re taught to believe that love is something we give or receive, something transactional. We think we need to prove ourselves worthy of love, or we spend our lives searching for “the one” who will finally complete us.
But this perspective creates a gap between us and the very thing we’re seeking.
What if there were no gap? What if you could simply be love?
This idea may feel revolutionary, even uncomfortable at first. After all, we’ve been conditioned to think of love as something external.
But if you take a moment to look within, you may find that the foundation of love is already there. It is you. It has always been you.
Self-love is not outside of us; SELF-LOVE IS US.
Finding the Love That Is You
The journey to discovering self-love starts with letting go of the belief that love is something you need to acquire or do.
When you release this notion, you make space to recognize the love that has been there all along.
This isn’t about manufacturing a feeling or performing acts of love to prove your worth. It’s about connecting to the natural state of love that resides at your core.
From this place, your actions will flow naturally. They will be authentic. They will be kind. And most importantly, they will be felt.
When you operate from this space of self-love, you no longer have to try to love—YOU ARE LOVE. And the ripple effects of this are extraordinary.
The people around you will feel it. They will recognize the gift you’re offering, even if they can’t articulate it.
Love, in its purest form, doesn’t need words. It’s felt deeply and profoundly.
The Greatest Action You Can Take
Consider that the greatest action you can take is to simply be love. Not to try to do love or act loving, but to embody it as your natural state.
This may feel counterintuitive at first, especially if you’re someone who’s used to achieving, striving, and proving. But when you allow yourself to simply be love, you’ll find that your actions become more aligned, more effortless, and more impactful.
You’re no longer operating from a place of trying to gain approval or avoid rejection. Instead, you’re radiating the essence of who you truly are.
When you are love, you don’t need anything from anyone. You’re not looking to fill a void or meet a need.
You’re simply sharing the abundance that already exists within you. And in doing so, you create a space where others can connect with their own essence of love.
An Invitation to Love
My invitation to you is simple: look within. Take a moment to connect with the foundation of love that is you. You don’t need to do anything extraordinary.
- Just be still.
- Breathe.
- Feel.
As you do this, you may notice a shift. Perhaps it’s subtle, like a softening or a warmth in your chest. Or maybe it’s profound, like a wave of peace washing over you.
However it shows up, trust that it’s real. Trust that it’s you.
From this place, let your actions flow. Let your words, your choices, and your interactions come from the love that you are.
You may be surprised by how much easier life feels when you’re no longer trying to find love outside of yourself.
And you may be amazed by the impact you have on others when you simply be love.
Closing Thoughts
As you move through your day, I encourage you to carry this question with you: What would love do?
Not the love that’s transactional or conditional, but the love that is your essence. The love that is free, abundant, and infinite.
When you operate from this space, you’ll find that life becomes more beautiful, more connected, and more meaningful. You’ll discover that the love you’ve been seeking has been within you all along.
I’d love to help you embody this in your life. Click the image below to set up a time to chat with me.