Frequently Asked Questions

Reclaim Your Brain: FAQs on Revolutionary Neurofeedback Therapy

Who would benefit from this?

We use cutting edge technology to map and train different variables affecting your brain.

Neurofeedback can enhance all aspects of your well-being such as reducing or eliminating anxiety, improving memory, elevating your mood, increasing focus, increased feelings of connection, enhanced sports and overall performance, reduction in pain and improved sleep quality.  

This specific neurofeedback therapy is perfect for anyone aged 5 and above. 

There are no contraindications for this therapy, except for individuals with active brain tumors.

How does neurofeedback work?

Your brain uses electricity. We measure the electricity and use sight and sound to send messages back to your brain, to retrain your brain and give it feedback as to how it’s doing.

Through brain retraining, we have the power to optimize your brain’s functioning, ensuring it operates smoothly, efficiently, and in harmony. Instead of experiencing internal conflict because of your brain’s dysfunction, you’ll find yourself operating more effortlessly. It’s like unlocking your full potential, firing on all cylinders without any internal resistance holding you back.

Without an EEG brain map, healthcare providers and therapists rely solely on subjective information like symptoms and history. 

Neuroscience research has identified 6 different types of brain physiology that can produce anxiety symptoms and 6 others that can produce ADHD symptoms.  Many symptoms can be the result of abnormal brain activity during sleep cycles. 

Understanding the physiological source is imperative to any treatment plan. EEG brain mapping is the technology that provides an objective assessment to help direct the most effective interventions.

Who reviews my brain map?

Once your brain map has been fully processed, you’ll have a one-hour consultation to discuss the findings with our Director of Neuroscience, Bryan Hixson. He is one of the leading neuroscience experts in quantitative EEG brain mapping, neurocognitive testing, neurofeedback brain training, and nutritional cellular health.

Mr. Hixson’s expertise extends to serving as a brain health consultant for AARP’s Staying Sharp platform, benefiting 38 million members. Additionally, he holds the position of Director of Digital Brain Health for Sharecare/, and he is the founder and neuroscience director of the Brain Performance Centers. Moreover, Mr. Hixson contributes his skills as an EEG brain mapping contractor for the U.S. Army.

Mr. Hixson’s brain performance companies have worked with nearly 1,000 Pro, Olympic, and elite athletes.

How long do the treatments last?

Each session is 30 minutes and broken down into 5 minute parts. During the brain retraining session, you will watch a video of your choice or play a video game.  It does not require difficult, focused attention, so it’s an ideal treatment for people with attention deficit issues or those on the autism spectrum.

How many sessions will I need?

Depending on your issue and desired outcome, we find most people need an average of 10-20 neurofeedback sessions to see lasting change.

As you consistently reinforce new and healthy brainwave patterns during each session, they gradually strengthen, much like the process of exercising and building a muscle.

Is there supporting research validating neurofeedback?

Absolutely, there exists an extensive body of research comprising hundreds of studies on EEG for a diverse range of symptoms including memory issues, anxiety, depression, traumatic brain injury (TBI), ADD/ADHD, and processing difficulties.

EEG stands out as the “Gold Standard” in neuroscience for its ability to measure real-time brain function accurately. Notably, EEG brain mapping is widely employed by esteemed institutions such as the Department of Defense, as well as top academic centers like UCLA, UCSD, Stanford, and numerous others.

According to Frank Duffy, MD (Neurologist, Harvard Medical Professor and Head of Neuroimaging at Boston Children’s Hospital), “EEG biofeedback therapy should play a major therapeutic role. In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy, it would be universally accepted and widely used.” 

“It accelerates symptom removal and the development of healthy self-regulation – meaning it helps the patient’s own body make the proper adjustments.” – Dr. Thomas Brod, Psychiatrist

For a list of research articles, click here.

Which conditions do you address?

Sleep Issues
Anxiety & Depression
Chronic Pain
Attention Issues
Post Concussion
Memory/Brain Fog
Preventing Dementia
Persistant Fatigue/Exhaustion

How does it feel?

Neurofeedback is exceptionally safe and non-invasive. It’s a painless and comfortable process.  You relax and watch a YouTube video or play a video game while your brain is retrained and optimized.  You won’t feel anything at all.

What is brain mapping?

Brain mapping through EEG provides an objective assessment of your brain’s function and is suitable for everyone ages 5 to 92.

An EEG brain is a valuable tool to uncover the various factors that may be impacting your brain function, ranging from nutritional deficiencies and environmental influences to genetic predispositions and sleep cycle irregularities, even post-concussion effects.

The process identifies any areas of your brain exhibiting abnormal levels of electrical activity compared to a standardized database of individuals of similar age and gender.

Obtaining a brain map is a straightforward and painless procedure, taking about 20 minutes to complete. You’ll wear a cap fitted with 19 sensors, recording your brain’s electrical signals while you sit back and relax in a chair. 

You will then receive a customized and detailed report that will be fully explained by our Director of Neuroscience, Bryan Hixson

Once he identifies any factors, he will tailor specific recommendations designed to enhance your unique gifts and abilities, while shoring up whatever you may be weak in.

This might involve suggesting targeted nutritional interventions, modifications to your diet, adjustments in your lifestyle, recommending specific genetic tests, or incorporating EEG biofeedback sessions (Neurofeedback) to optimize your brain’s electrical activity. 

The goal is to create a personalized plan that nurtures your brain’s well-being and fosters optimal functioning.

Do I need to go into the office to get treatment?

Once you do your brain mapping, you do everything else remotely.  We set you up with the equipment.

Then you do everything else from the comfort of your home or office during a time most convenient for you.

Are the results temporary?

Absolutely not. What you are doing is building new neural networks. 

Once these new networks become stronger than the older, unhealthy ones, your brain will naturally default to them. 

This translates to lasting benefits that will extend throughout your lifetime. 

If you notice any regression in your results after 1-2 weeks following the end of treatment, this only suggests that the fortification of the new neural networks isn’t entirely finished. 

Our goal and purpose is to facilitate long-lasting change, a process typically requiring an average of 10-20 sessions.

How is this different from traditional neurofeedback training?

Traditional neurofeedback requires the participant to engage in focused attention training sessions generally lasting 45-60 minutes. 

While it is indeed effective, achieving noticeable results often necessitates 40 or more sessions. Patients must commit to daily practice, which can pose challenges for many individuals, including children.

In contrast, this neurofeedback system operates without the need for focused attention, allowing you to relax without doing any specific tasks during the session. This feature makes it an exceptional choice, particularly beneficial for those who struggle with prolonged attention spans, difficulty understanding instructions or just want to relax at the end of the day.