Hi, I'm Wendy Lynne
Mindset Coach, Catalyst, Entrepreneur, Life and Nature Lover
Hi, I'm Wendy Lynne
Mindset Coach, Catalyst, Entrepreneur, Life and Nature Lover
Free Clarity Session
One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.
Ready to get unstuck and get clear?
Book a free clarity session so I can help you see how to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
I Was Afraid To Feel Fear...
But fear has always been a big part of my life.
Early on I realized I could not count on either of my parents and to be safe I had to figure out how to say and do the right things not to get hit or punished.
I watched my mom reacting to stress and worries by eating her way to an early death and my dad trying hard to shut down all feelings except anger.
This taught me to do everything I could not to feel.
Finding My Purpose
The irony is that the thing I feared the most was the feeling of fear and what I thought that meant…nonstop pain, sadness, and loneliness.
As I grew older, I feared failure in business and financial ruin. I feared being left and not loved. I feared appearing stupid. The list could go on and on…
Instead of embracing and accepting fear, I worked hard to numb out and to over-achieve to get rid of the fear. Through my journey in the PMA Long Course, I discovered the strength in acknowledging and transforming fear instead of avoiding it. I thought being fearless meant I would be confident, put together, and know what I was doing before.
Instead of embracing and accepting mistakes, when those “mistakes” inevitably arose, I just worked harder, doing anything I could to appear self-assured and self-reliant.
There is no such thing as being fearless
Bad news – good news… I learned being Fearless is impossible!
I have since discovered that truly bold and courageous people feel fear, accept it AND then they do it anyway…do what they are most afraid of.
That was liberating for me.
I realized that failure was inevitable no matter how hard I tried or how perfect I was. It happened again and again, but I survived and eventually thrived no matter the situation.
The truth is being “Fearless” is a lifeless goal.
It means you stop taking risks, are afraid to lead, voice an unpopular opinion or try something new.
When you try to reject fear, you miss out on fear’s most energizing aspects.
Stepping into the great unknown is… motivating, invigorating, galvanizing, sexy, risky, provocative.
Accepting Failure as Inevitable
So, I decided to accept failure, rather than pretend like it wasn’t going to happen.
This doesn’t mean I gave up or I didn’t believe in my ability to have an outstanding life, but it did mean I stopped being so darn afraid of failure and freaking out when it occurred.
What happened was, I’ve failed my way to success, because the failures helped me learn.
The only true failures were the times when I did not see and learn the lesson and instead blamed someone or something else or just plain gave up.
The good news is, is that failure isn’t permanent.
How To Change Your Life
If you could just find the faith to face uncertainty, to step out and try new things and then learn from your mistakes – your life would change.
I am passionate about helping you learn to embrace “the squeeze” as a natural part of life and a REQUIRED part of living your highest potential.
“Going for it” at times was scary and definitely eye-opening for me, but I feel a deep sense of self and that I can do absolutely ANYTHING.
I use my intuition, listening skills, and empathy to help people to explore their judgments, fears, and limiting thoughts so they can reconnect with their inner bravery and live freer, more truthful lives.
I’d love to help you.
Wendy Lynne…
- IFS (Internal Family Systems) Therapist
- Trained by Martha Beck as a Life Coach and as a Master Life Coach by The Life Coach School
- Received advanced training in Relationship Coaching from the Hendricks Institute
- Is a Culinary Nutritionist trained in the Food Therapy Program at Natural Gourmet Institute of Health in NYC
- Trained in The Work of Byron Katie
- Graduated from UCLA as a sociology major
- Is a parent of two amazing young men.
- Is a certified Mental Toughness Trainer in cutting edge goal achievement processes.